What I Did (or rather, am doing) Over My Summer Vacation, part 1

As promised, here are some photos I took in Thailand. 


Snacks in a Thai grocery store... I always visit grocery stores while in foreign countries. They are great places to learn language (you know what you expect to read on a bottle of juice or tube of toothpaste, so you can make educated guesses as to the meaning of the foreign-language words on them) and you see the sorts of things everyday people keep in their homes.

Snacks in a Thai grocery store... I always visit grocery stores while in foreign countries. They are great places to learn language (you know what you expect to read on a bottle of juice or tube of toothpaste, so you can make educated guesses as to the meaning of the foreign-language words on them) and you see the sorts of things everyday people keep in their homes.



Motorbike taxis -- if I ever live in Thailand, I want to master the ladylike art of riding to work sidesaddle on the back of a motorbike that zips and zigzags through traffic, coming within centimeters of cars, busses, and ONCOMING traffic. And yes, as you see in this photo, it's perfectly legal in Thailand to ride a motorbike on the sidewalk.

Motorbike taxis -- if I ever live in Thailand, I want to master the ladylike art of riding to work sidesaddle on the back of a motorbike that zips and zigzags through traffic, coming within centimeters of cars, busses, and ONCOMING traffic. And yes, as you see in this photo, it's perfectly legal in Thailand to ride a motorbike on the sidewalk.


These are handmade flower offerings for sale across the streets from the Hindu temple. Yes, those are lotus flowers in the right rear corner.

These are handmade flower offerings for sale across the streets from the Hindu temple. Yes, those are lotus flowers in the right rear corner.



The famous reclining Buddha at Wat Pho.

The famous reclining Buddha at Wat Pho.


To demonstrate the enormity of the reclining Buddha statue, here I am admiring his size-of-my-head toes.

To demonstrate the enormity of the reclining Buddha statue, here I am admiring his size-of-my-head toes.


One more for today; I will post more later though…


A rather mysterious statue.

A rather mysterious statue.