Various Bits of Information for Seniors

There is NO VOCAB QUIZ to study for this week! I’m sure you’re noticing at this point in Frankenstein why we did vocabulary in such a “fast and furious” manner for the first 15 weeks of school — there are about five vocab words per page in this novel, and that will continue throughout the rest of the year.

This should be completed over the weekend. It amends your class notes and study guide:  F-notes ch. 5-7

You don’t need to read any additional chapters over the weekend, BUT you should have a good grasp of ch. 5-7. We will review ch. 7 in class on Monday.


FRANKENSTEIN QUEST/TWIZ news: As explained in class this week, you will have three quests (bigger than a quiz, shorter than a test) over Frankenstein before having your final test at the end of the novel. Your first quest will cover letters 1-4 and chapters 1-7. We will be trying something new next week for the administration of the test.

I understand that the week before break is heavily scheduled with tests in all classes. Because my senior classes are compiled of students with widely varying academic schedules, there is no way I could schedule the test for a single day next week without causing a significant portion of students to have three major assessments in one day.


Here’s what we will try; please follow closely. The quiz will be given by appointment within some specific parameters. You may take your quest any day next week during 5th, 6th, or 7th period (with the exception of 5th period on Thursday) or after school from 2:40 – 3:30. YOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP ON MONDAY FOR THE TIME SLOT YOU WANT; YOU WILL BE HELD TO THE COMMITMENT YOU MAKE.

Quests will consist of different question combinations each day, but will be of equal difficulty.

CVCC students who are not here during 5, 6, and 7th period will be given the opportunity to take the quest during class time on WEDNESDAY.

This is a good opportunity for you to practice time management skills and to assess your own test preparation needs. Let’s make the most of it!

Have a good weekend out there in the lovely winter wonderland.


Frankenstein Notes & Quotes: Ch. 1-4

The handout can be downloaded here (note that the quotes are not on the handout; ask me for a list you can copy by hand): F-notes 1-4

Also, if you’re interested in reading the full text of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, it is in your textbook beginning on page 775. A portion of Iron Maiden’s musical adaptation of the poem can be heard here. The lyrics to the song are posted here.

Finding Frankenstein: many options for reading the novel

If you have trouble reading your copy of Frankenstein because the font is too small and/or “squished” as some of you have mentioned, fear not — you have several options. I recommend the following three:

* Go to the library! There are many different editions of the book; flip through all that you find. Each publisher uses a slightly different font and format, so you are likely to find one that is easier on your eyes.

* If you or someone in your home owns a Kindle or a Nook, the entire novel can be downloaded to your device for free. If you use an iPhone or Android device, you can download a free Kindle app from and download the free novel with it.

* Read the full text on the novel online (or print it out, or copy/paste/enlarge/print it) at Project Gutenberg:  (click on “download” and choose your preferred file type).


With all of these resources in addition to your class-issued copy of the novel, there should never be a problem of not having access to a copy of the text.